Cockroaches From £90

Standard charges are £90 per visit
Any necessary follow up visits cost £75 each.
Most infestations take 2 – 4 visits to resolve.

Prices for business customers exclude VAT.
ULEZ charges will be added to invoices where applicable.


About Cockroaches

Cockroaches can carry diseases such as Salmonella, Dysentery, viruses, roundworm, tapeworm and Gastroenteritis. Increases in eczema and asthma have also been linked to cockroach droppings.

Cockroaches are very tough insects and breed rapidly.

A cockroach infestation will produce a heavy scent described as sweet and musty.

Cockroaches have been found as fossils dating back millions of years. Experts estimate that cockroaches are between 350 - 400 million years old.

Types of Cockroaches

The most common species of cockroach in the UK are:

German cockroach

Prefer to live and breed indoors, found scurrying around your kitchen and bathroom.

American cockroach

Found in basements and kitchens, prefer to breed outdoors and live on trees.

Oriental cockroach

Dark brown/black, they love cool, damp areas. These are a health concern because they feed on garbage and decaying matter.

Brown banded

One of the smallest species, they usually stay on the ground but have the ability to fly in warmer climates.

Signs of a

Cockroach Infestation

Cockroach droppings

Unusual and distinctive odour

Smear marks

Cockroach eggs

Chewed packaging

Sightings of live or dead cockroaches


Make a note of when and where you see what you think is cockroach activity so that you can share this with the technician. Apart from that, there’s no need for you to do anything – wait for a technician to advise on anything you might need to do.

If you can possibly get a sample it can help speed up identification in case there are none visible on the inspection date.

Inspect & Assess

Our highly trained technician will start by doing an inspection of your property to confirm you have a cockroach infestation, the extent of the problem, as well as highlight factors that may have caused or attracted the cockroaches, and any building defects that could provide potential access points.


After the initial inspection, the technician will decide upon the safest and most effective course of action for your cockroach problem. This will include using professional bait to get to the heart of the infestation. A follow up visit will be booked for around 2 weeks’ time.


Avoid taking any immediate action unless advised to do so by the technician. The technician will explain their findings and provide relevant advice on every visit. On the first visit, our technician will carry out a thorough inspection to identify areas where the cockroaches are active, along with concerns for things that may have attracted them. Where possible the technician will aim to discuss their findings with you in person, but this will also be detailed as part of our visit report you will be sent later in the day.

Prevention advice

Eliminate food sources – leftover food from tables and counters, crumbs, liquid spillages.

Store foods in airtight containers.

Rinse residue from bottles, cans and plastics before putting in the recycling.

Regularly empty your bins.

Keep your property clean – including under appliances and cupboards.

Declutter – e.g. Magazines, packaging, cardboard as these provide perfect places for cockroaches to hide.

Maintenance – seal all cracks and holes in walls, skirting boards, around pipes, under sinks etc.

Check around sinks and pipework regularly and carry out any necessary repairs.

Please talk to us about guarantee information at time of booking.