Fleas From £150

Standard charges are £150 per visit.
If all our pre and post treatment advice is followed then one treatment should be enough to eliminate the issue. In some circumstances a follow up treatment may be required.
Standard Prices allow for treatments for up to 5 rooms. Additional rooms are charged at £35 each.

Prices for business customers exclude VAT.
ULEZ charges will be added to invoices where applicable.


About Fleas

Fleas may carry serious diseases and parasites such as dog tapeworm. Children can get tapeworms if they eat a cat flea.

Fleas can’t fly but are amazing jumpers - they can jump at least a foot, over 150 times their height!

Flea eggs are about 0.5mm. They are white, oval and stick to hair, clothing, fabric and bedding.

Fleas pass through four life stages: egg, larva, pupa and adult.

The female flea lays 25 to 40 eggs per day on a pet, the pet’s bedding or in cracks in the floor.

The complete life cycle from egg to adult takes approximately 4 weeks.

Fleas usually live for 2-3 months, but this can be up to a year.

Fleas eat 10 to 15 blood meals per day.



Treat pets with a suitable flea treatment.

A suitable flea treatment, i.e. one prescribed by a vet. Over the counter products may not be fully effective.


Vacuum floors and soft furniture (i.e. sofas, rugs) throughout the property. Be thorough in most flea infested areas, especially at carpet edges and where there are gaps in floorboards, then dispose of vacuum contents straight away. This will help reduce the number of eggs, larvae and active fleas before we arrive. This will also aid the effectiveness of the treatment as dust can act as a barrier to the insecticide.

Clear the floor space and move furniture

Clear and move space/furniture in infested rooms to expose areas that would otherwise be hidden so treatment can be applied thoroughly. For example, move furniture away from the walls.

Wash, tumble dry or dry clean

Wash, tumble dry or dry clean bedding, pet bedding and any clothes from the infested areas (we cannot treat bed linen or clothes). Washing at 60 degrees Celsius or tumble drying on a hot dry at 40/45 degrees Celsius for at least 30 minutes will kill fleas at all stages of their lifecycle. Dry cleaning items (perchloroethylene) will also kill fleas at all stages of their lifecycle, as would freezing them too! 2 hours at -17 degrees will also kill fleas at all stages of their lifecycle (Allow 24 hours because it might take at least 8 hours for items to get to -17 degrees).

Inspect & Assess

Treatment can take up to 90 minutes and then will take a few hours to dry - longer on hard floors. Ideally yourself and any pets would vacate the property during this time. Our highly trained technician will start by doing an inspection of the property to confirm you have a flea problem and to establish the extent of the flea infestation. They will also conduct a risk assessment to ensure the treatment they plan to use is safe for you, your family and pets.


* The technician will spray a residual insecticide in the infested bedroom(s) and in some cases, adjacent rooms, using one of our company-approved products. The wet spray will have an instant knock down effect on adult bed bugs. Once dried it is safe to you and pets and invisible to the eye, but the residual properties of the dried insecticide will remain active continuing to kill the bed bugs as they emerge from eggs and as they move around and encounter the insecticide. The residual pesticide can continue to work for up to 3 months.

* The initial spray will kill the majority of the adult fleas that are active at the time of treatment, but it won’t kill any flea eggs or flea larvae that haven’t yet developed into adult fleas; they are protected by their casings. That’s why we use a residual pesticide which will kill them as they emerge, and this can continue to work for up to 3 months.

* Flea eggs can lay dormant for up to 18 months but agitation and warm temperatures will help them complete their life cycle (egg to adult) in 2 – 4 weeks. This is why you may continue to see some activity for a few days after treatment, but this should reduce with every day that passes. If it isn’t reducing at all, or after 8 - 10 days there’s still significant activity you may require a second treatment.

* It’s important to note that the efficacy of the residual pesticide is reduced when using it on hard surfaces compared to carpet or other soft furnishing. Its lasting capability just isn’t the same for obvious reasons. Properties with lots of hard floors (especially exposed floorboards with gaps) and cases with heavier infestations often require 2 visits.


To give treatments the best chance of success it’s important you

Do NOT vacuum or clean treated floor areas for at least 2 weeks. This allows the dried insecticide to continue to do its job on remaining eggs and larvae as it develops into adults.

Keep the property warm, for 8-10 days after treatment. This will help speed up and make treatments more effective. The treatments kill active adults so we want eggs and larvae to become adults as quickly as possible. Fleas are more likely to complete their life cycle in warmer conditions (ideal temperatures being 21-27 degrees). Remember, the quicker they become adult fleas, the quicker they will be killed by the residual pesticide!

Continue to use / agitate treated areas. Flea larvae waits in situ until it thinks a host is nearby so it’s important that you continue to use effected areas, or rather create the vibrations needed to mimic a nearby host, by walking (also banging, stamping and jumping!) around at regular intervals so they emerge as adults as quickly as possible - do the “flea dance” as the technicians often joke!

Check pets and maintain regular flea treatments to make sure pets are free of fleas. Pets are the main cause of unsuccessful treatments and re infestation. Fleas need their host to thrive and survive. Without a host, fleas will die off naturally given time but with a host, they’ll multiple quickly!!

Monitor the activity after treatment using heat lamps. Count the number of fleas on the sticky pad and keep a record of how many new fleas appear each day. This should decline to nothing over 8-10 days. (Technician’s tip: use a pen to mark the fleas you’ve counted, that way you which fleas are new ones!)

Post Treatment

It’s important you give the treatment time to work, as well as giving the eggs and larvae the right conditions and time to develop into adults. If activity continues to increase it’s likely your pet is still harbouring fleas so you need to have them checked or try another treatment. If activity hasn’t slowed down after 8 – 10 days, let us know as it’s likely you’ll need a second treatment.

Advice for customers:

For properties mainly consisting of hard floors, or if the areas of high activity have hard floors, a second treatment may be beneficial after 7 days, rather than 14 days that we would normally recommend, as the residual effect of the insecticide won’t be as efficient as it would be on soft furnishings. The technician will advise on the day. That being said, treatments are still almost always successful within 1 – 2 visits as it is less likely fleas are active in these areas.

Diatamaceous earth is a non-toxic dust that can be used on all insects. It is a dust made from fossilised bones and it is extremely porous. Due to outer properties of insects, such as fleas, diatameous earth will kill insects / fleas by drawing all of the moisture from its body. After treatment, you can sprinkle this on carpets, soft furniture (inc. pet beds) apply dust coverings between in cracks & crevices and gaps between floorboards. It’s white and obvious its there but can easily be vacuumed up once its no longer required!

Guarantee Info

The success of a flea treatment will depend a lot on your actions. If the above advice is followed, it is less likely you will require a second treatment. Due to so much being out of our control, we cannot offer a guarantee on fleas treatments.