Mice From £75

Standard charges are £75 per visit. Most infestations take 3 – 4 visits to resolve, spaced out at roughly one visit per week. In some circumstances it could take longer.

Prices for business customers exclude VAT.
ULEZ charges will be added to invoices where applicable.


About mice

Mice weigh around 30g and are under 10cm long (excluding tail). They have brown fur, large ears and small feet and their tails can be as long as the body.

Mice can be confused with young rats which have smaller ears, larger feet and thick tails which are shorter than their body.

They are nocturnal so mostly seen at night.

The house mouse nests in walls, floors, lofts and cavities.

Like rats, mice are proficient climbers and make short work of vertical walls.

Mice live for around a year and can have around 36 young in that time.

Signs of a

Mouse Problem

Small droppings around the size of a grain of rice.

Greasy smear marks against walls, skirting boards and floors.

Holes in doors, walls, garden etc, typically about 1 inch wide.

Signs of gnawing on foodstuff, cables, bags, boxes and furniture.

Smear marks created by grease and dirt from continual movement along one established route.

A strong ammonia smell created by their urine.

Make a note

Make a note of when and where you see or hear what you think is rodent activity so that you can share this with the technician. Apart from that, there’s no need for you to do anything – you’re best not to disturb what mouse activity there is and wait for our pest control technician to advise on anything you might need to do.

Inspect & Assess

Our highly trained technician will start by doing an inspection of your property, as well as a general survey of the adjoining land and properties (where possible), to confirm you have a mouse infestation, the extent of the problem, as well as identify factors that may have caused or attracted the mice, and any building defects that could provide potential access points.


After inspection, the technician will decide upon the safest and most effective course of action for your mouse problem. This will include the use of mouse traps or “professional use only” rodenticide baits. We have a number of company approved baits which the technician can choose from, some of which depending on the active ingredient contained will be multi or single feed products. The technician will choose the most appropriate option having assessed the risks to non-target species, you, your family and pets.


Avoid taking any immediate action unless advised to do so by the technician. The technician will explain their findings and provide relevant advice on every visit.

There are circumstances outside of yours and our control which may mean we cannot guarantee to completely eradicate the mouse problem – instead the aim would be to control and exclude activity from within your property. This may mean you need ongoing support to help manage the problem, where we visit the property every 4-12 weeks.

Prevention advice

Keep your home clean and tidy, even the tiniest crumbs can attract mice.

Make sure food, grains or any other types of food are kept in sealed containers, especially when stored outside.

Repair or appropriately seal any holes and gaps that could provide access for rodents. A mouse can squeeze through a gap as small as 6mm!

Rodents love bins. Don’t allow bins to overflow or overfill so the lid cannot shut, and make sure the bins and bin areas are kept clean.

Get gardening! Rodents don’t want to be seen and will avoid being out in the open. Grass and vegetation provide cover so it’s important to keep your gardens and adjoining land (where possible) well maintained.

Eliminate clutter which provides further hiding and harbourage spaces.

If you’ve got garden decking, you might want to consider removing decking if problems persist.

We all love to feed the birds, but you should avoid doing this if you get problems.

Problem Areas

Mice are attracted to human structures where they gain readily available warmth, shelter and food. The following can mean you are more likely to get a mouse problem inside your property:

    • Vines/trellis against property walls.
    • Excess vegetation and foliage.
    • Sheds/lofts with a lot of storage boxes.
    • Problems emanating from neighbouring land or properties.
    • Building work.
    • Poor waste management & hygiene.

Please talk to us about guarantee information at time of booking.