Moles From £150

We charge £150 to come and set the traps which includes a minimum of 2 visits and the capture of the first mole. Each additional mole caught after the first is charged at £35. We will continue to attend, usually weekly, until there is no new activity.

It is dependent on the size of the site, but for most domestic mole problems we would typically expect to catch 1 - 2 moles.

Prices for business customers exclude VAT.
ULEZ charges will be added to invoices where applicable.

Things To Know

About Moles

Moles spend most of their time beneath the surface searching for food.

Moles are mostly solitary creatures, with males only broadening their territories in search of females.

Female moles give birth to up to 5 babies which leave the nest and find their own territories within 5-6 weeks.

Their diet consists of earthworms, insects and larvae.

Moles are not actually blind - they have poor vision, but can still see somewhat.

Average lifespan of a mole is around 3 years.

Moles can move 540 times their own body weight on earth each day and tunnel up to 30m per day – that is a lot of mess in your garden!


There’s no need for you to do anything – you’re best not to disturb what mole activity there is and wait for a technician to advise on anything you might need to do. It is best we see the hills they have made to work out where best to place traps.

Inspect & Assess

The technician will inspect the affected areas and place traps accordingly. Traps are placed underground so should not be a danger but if you have an inquisitive dog or traps are in a public area, we advise putting some safety measures in place.


Avoid taking any immediate action unless advised to do so by the technician. The technician will explain their findings and provide relevant advice on every visit. Once we are satisfied there is no more mole activity, we will remove the traps and present you with the bill.

It is a good idea to flatten any molehills now so it is easy to see if any new activity takes place.

Guarantee Info

We offer a 5 day guarantee from the invoice date to report any further activity in the same area. If activity in the same area is reported within this time, we will return and reset the traps to catch any additional moles for £35 each. Anything reported after 5 days of the invoice date, or mole activity in a different area of the property, will be treated as a new problem and the 1st mole price of £150 will apply again.